The aim
Spiro@Home aimed to study the quality, feasibility, and added value of at-home spirometry for the diagnosis and monitoring of asthma and COPD in primary care.
Participants with an asthma- or COPD-related spirometry indication received a Spiro@Home package from their general practitioner. This package contained everything they needed to perform at-home spirometry. The participants could perform the spirometry measurement unsupervised at home, supported by written and video instructions. If necessary, a video connection with the healthcare professional could be made using the app for additional instructions. The participants were also asked to answer a questionnaire about their lung disease status (containing the ACQ, CCQ, and mMRC, among other questions).
We also wanted to know the experiences with at-home spirometry from both the healthcare professionals and the patients. This information was gathered with a questionnaire and interviews.
More information?
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