Research in primary care

Our mission is to ensure primary care guidelines are also based on patients from primary care. To bridge the differences between uniform patient populations studied, and the diverse patients in primary care, GPRI facilitates research in, among others, general practices and pharmacies.

GPRI is initiated by two general practitioners and one health economist, all with a passion for scientific research in primary care. In new studies, we always evaluate its potential to improve current guidelines. We then investigate the potential approach of the study and how to make it as pragmatic and accessible as possible.

Because multiple general practices, pharmacies, or other study locations are needed to perform a study in primary care, execution requires an extensive organization process. GPRI functions as a collecting point where practices from primary care can connect as part of scientific research. GPRI functions across national borders having established a global collaboration within primary care.

The circle is complete when a study is finished and outcomes are published, often in well-known scientific journals. After publication we aim to integrate new knowledge in guidelines for primary care. Our current publications can be found here.

What kind of research do we perform?

GPRI facilitates different types of research.

  • In observational studies, no intervention or treatment is investigated but patients are observed. An example of one of the completed observational studies is the PIFotal COPD study in which inhalation technique and inhalation flow were assessed.
  • In interventional studies, also known as clinical studies, the effect of treatment or a medical intervention in patients is investigated. By comparing two groups of patients with each other – the intervention group and the control group – we can assess whether the intervention group exhibits the desired effect. An example of this is the ACCEPTANCE study in which half of the participants are given a smart inhaler to determine if this improves the treatment and reduces asthma symptoms.
  • Questionnaires are frequently used for diagnosis. We develop and validate questionnaires to assess whether they can be properly applied in the field. We are for example working on the SADT project for which we develop a questionnaire on small airway disfunction.
  • In database studies, we analyze existing data sets to arrive at new insights.

Our focus

GPRI primarily focuses on chronic medical conditions. Someone with a chronic medical condition has suffered from the same condition for a long time and the condition cannot be cured with drugs. Currently we are working on research on Asthma, COPD, cardiovascular diseases, urinary tract disease, diabetes and chronic pain.

Independent Research

The research GPRI conducts originates in a number of ways. Many of the research questions come from daily practice. General practitioners share common questions from daily practice with GPRI, which we then translate into scientific topics. Another part of the research questions are so-called follow-up questions, where a new research question emerges from a completed study. The funding partners of these studies are carefully selected by GPRI. GPRI is transparent about this funding and clear agreements are made with funding partners. This allows GPRI to stay true to its goal of improving the guidelines of healthcare.

Finally, there are pharmaceutical companies that would like to work with us to conduct scientific research within primary care. With these innovation funds, the scientific research can be financed. This results in approximately 2/3rds of all research conducted by GPRI.


Breathlessness Diagnosis in a Box (BiaB)

Working towards faster diagnostics for breathlessness

A new approach on breathlessness in primary care practices for the purpose of diagnosing its cause. Furthermore, providing insight in the experiences with using “BiaB” through qualitatieve structured interviews

Study type
Quality Improvement Project

Target audience
Healthcare providers, patients

Additional information
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Optimal therapy and use of biologics in COPD

Perceptions and experiences of people with COPD on optimal therapy and possible future use of biologics (such as injections)

Type of study
Qualitative study  (interviews)

Target audience
Patients, general practitioners and practice nurses

Additional information
Contact us via for more information about this study.


Participant Experience Interview (PEI)

Patient experience with clinical trials

To learn more about the perceptions and experiences of participants regarding their participation in clinical research.

Study type
Qualitative substudy in the CRESCENDO study.

Target audience
Participants that are part of CRESCENDO who have been using all platforms and devices during their enrolment in the study

Additional information
Contact us via for more information about this study.

Q-SAW Asthma & COPD

Impact of asthma en COPD

Perceptions and experiences of people with asthma or COPD on the impact hereof on their daily lifes.

Type of study
Qualitative study (interviews)

Target audience
Patients, general practitioners and research nurses.

Additional information
Visit the impact of asthma en COPD website or contact us via or for more information about this study.


Treatable Traits  

Retrospective research into personalised treatment of COPD

Prevalence, overlap, and stability of six “treatable traits” in people with COPD.

Study type
Retrospective data analysis

Target audience
Healthcare providers

Additional information
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Smart inhaler for treatment of asthma

Asthma that is being treated with Symbicort Turbuhaler as maintenance treatments.

Study type
Cluster randomised trial.

Target audience
Patients of 18 years and older, general practitioners and practice nurses.

Additional information
Visit for additional information on this study, contact details and possibilities to enroll.


Use of the Asthma Optimiser tool in primary care

Insufficiently controlled asthma in primary care.

Study type
Prospective observational study and qualitative semi-structured interviews.

Target audience
General practitioners and practice nurses.

Additional information
Visit for additional information on this study, contact details and publication of our findings. 

CCQ Graphical

Validation of graphical CCQ questionnaire

Stable COPD.

Study type
Healthcare improvement project with qualitative structured interviews. 

Target audience
Patients of 40 years and older.

Additional information
Contact us for additional information on this study. 

CodeX Asthma

Identifying missed asthma exacerbations in primary care

Besides identifying the number of exacerbations, we want to identify at-risk patients in order to aid healthcare professionals.

Study type
Retrospective cross-sectional real-life database study and qualitative semi-structured interviews.

Target audience
General practitioners.

Additional information
Contact us for additional information on this study and publications.


Identifying missed COPD exacerbations in primary care

Exacerbations in patients with COPD.

Study type
Retrospective cross-sectional real-life database study and qualitative semi-structured interviews.

Target audience
General practitioners.

Additional information
Contact us for additional information on this study and publications or watch our animation.

COPD comorbidities

Identification of medication-comorbidities clashes

COPD or lung emphysema with 1 or more comorbidities.

Study type
Pragmatic cluster randomised trial.

Target audience
General practitioners and practice nurses.

Additional information
Visit for additional information, contact details and possibilities to enroll.


COVID-19 in primary care

Moderate severe COVID-19.

Study type
Randomised interventional open-label study.

Target audience
General practitioners of the HZD in Drenthe, The Netherlands. 

Additional information
Contact us for more information on this study.


A tablet as an experimental treatment for COPD

Patients with confirmed moderate to severe symptomatic COPD who are at high risk of exacerbations despite being maintained on optimised standard of care inhaled therapies.

Study type
A phase IIA randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled clinical study.

Target audience
Primary care practices or pharmacies that could help us selecting potential participants.

Additional information
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Inhalation technique in COPD patients using different inhalers

Inhalation technique in COPD patients with different types of inhalers (Pressurized Metered-Dose Inhalers (pMDIs) and Dry Powder Inhalers (DPIs)).

Study type
Retrospective data analysis

Target audience
Healthcare providers

Additional information
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Optimizing inhalation therapy in COPD patients

COPD which is being treated with dry powder inhalers as maintenance treatment.

Study type
Cross-sectional, non-interventional multi-center, multi-country study.

Target audience
Pharmacies, general practitioners and practice nurses.

Additional information
Visit for additional information on this study, publications and contact details.  


Perceptions on self-administration injections of biologicals

Asthma that is being treated or will be treated with biologicals.

Study type
Qualitative multi-country study with focus groups and semi-structured interviews. 

Target audience
Patients, lung physicians and nurses. 

Additional information
Contact us for additional information on this study. The publication of our findings is expected soon.  


Profiling inhalation medication in COPD


Study type
Retrospective cross-sectional real-life database study.

Target audience
None, this was a database study.

Additional information
Contact us for additional information on this study and our findings.

SADT development

Small Airways Dysfunction Tool

Small airways dysfunction.

Study type
Questionnaire development.

Additional information
Contact us for additional information on this study and publications. 

SADT translations

SADT linguistic validation

Small airway disfunction

Study type
Questionnaire linguistic validation (for 13 languages)

Target audience
Healthcare providers

Additional information
Contact us for additional information on this study and publications


Early identification of chronic kidney disease

Early identification of chronic kidney disease.

Study type
Cross-sectional observational study.

Target audience
Pharmacists and general practitioners.

Additional information
Visit for additional information on this study, contact details and possibilities to enlist.


Spirometry measurements at home

Asthma and COPD for which spirometry by the general practitioner is indicated.

Study type
Prospective implementation study with semi-structured interviews.

Target audience
General practitioners and research nurses.

Additional information
Visit for addition information on this study. 

Valneva booster vaccine

Valneva candidate booster vaccine against COVID-19

In this study we assess the efficacy, safety and tolerability of the Valneva booster vaccine candidate.

Study type
Open-label phase 3 clinical research.

Target audience
Adults who have had an infection with COVID-19 in the past 6 to 12 months and have not been vaccinated, or adults who have had two vaccinations with an mRNA vaccine (Pfizer or Moderna) but have not yet received a booster.

Additional information
Contact us for additional information on this study.